Friday, July 17, 2009

3 Months Old

Just a few pictures of Mr. Chunky Monkey Reed at 3 months! He is getting so big and we love him more and more every day! Reed is smiling and talking more and more every day. He has complete head control now and I am starting to call him my hip baby because I can almost carry him around on my hip, just one sign that he isn't a little bitty baby anymore! :(
Can he get any cuter?? I am so proud of this picture! Reed smiles ALL the time! But every Mom of a 3 month old knows how hard it is to get a picture at the peak of the smile with them looking at the camera! Sitting up in the middle of the chair all by himself!
Look at those chunky legs!
Still has those pretty big blue eyes!
What Reed is up to at 3 months....
  • still chewing on his fist and fingers constantly, slobbering more and more every day
  • we had a pacifier revelation this month!! Reed started taking a pacifier at 10 weeks, or should I say we found a pacifier Reed likes (picture to come, it is pretty cute b/c it is so big on his face)! Reed had always liked sucking on our fingers, so one day I thought he might like a pacifier with a bigger nipple so I gave him a Mams paci that was 6+ months and he took it right away. It has really been a lifesaver when it comes to calming him down in the car or getting him to sleep for naps during the day. Hopefully it won't be to hard to take away.
  • still loves standing up and his putting more and more weight on his legs for longer periods of time
  • still loving his baths, starting to kick and splash more and more
  • wearing all 3 to 6 month clothes
  • moved into size 2 diapers at 11 weeks, he could still fit in size 1 but I was running out so I tried a size 2 and it fit so I just went ahead and moved him up (I tried to keep him in newborn size to long and ended up wasting almost a whole box)
  • I am happy to say he his still sleeping through the night! Week 9 and 10 were a little spotty because we were out of town for the CWS and then coming home took him a little while to get back on schedule. However, after getting up 2 nights in a row and feeding him on the 3rd night I decided to try the pacifer, because I really felt like he wasn't hungry and it worked, he went right back to sleep. We have had a few nights here and there that he has woke up and he have had to stick the pacifier in but not to many. I consider ourselves every lucky at 3 months.
  • Going to bed between 9 and 10 and sleeping between 8 and 9 hours in his crib. We have had a couple of 10 hour nights already....very nice!!
  • Eating every 3 to 3 1/2 hours, nursing 5 to 6 times a day. Now that he his sleeping more, he has dropped one of his feedings.
  • Still not the best napper. He cat naps between feedings during the day, sleeping sometimes up to 1 hour at a time. He sleeps mostly in his boppy on the couch during the day. I always say as long as he is sleeping at night, whatever he does during the day doesn't bother me! He is never really fussy during the day either, but he does just crash at night after not sleeping much during the day.
  • Still LOVES his playmat and bouncy seat! He will talk to himself in the mirror on his playmat forever.
  • Doing great in his bumbo seat!
  • Grabbing at toys more and more. Starting to focus on toys and then reaching for them.
  • I am happy to report that the 2 outfits a day as come and gone. We have a few blowouts here and there, but definetely not every day now.
  • Still only rolling to his side. He HATES tummy time and it makes me so sad. He is starting to pull his knees under himself a little bit and he is starting to push up with his arms a little but he still hates being on his tummy.
  • Reed's hair has started disappearing!! I still haven't seen any in his crib or where he has been laying but his hair is gone! If you go back and look at his 1 month pictures you can really tell how much hair he use to have.
  • He definetely knows who Josh and I are and it makes my heart melt when I walk in the room and I get the biggest smile from him or when someone is holding him and he just sits and stares at me because he knows I am his Mom, it is the best feeling in the world!

Just a little side story! We had our first trip to the doctor on Reed's 3 month birthday. The day before Reed had 2 poopy diapers that he had what we thought was blood in them. It was really scary, because it really looked like blood (I have pictures, but I will spare everyone) and we had no clue what could be causing it and they continued for 4 days. Long story short we went to the doctor and then took some samples back to get tested and it wasn't blood. We had been giving Reed vitamins with iron in them and we stopped the vitamins with iron and what we thought was blood has stopped. Reed never really acted sick so we are just moving on like it never happened. They weighed Reed at the doctor and he weighed 15 lbs 14 oz, he gained 1 lb 10 oz in 1 month. He his a healthy, happy little boy and we are SO grateful and blessed to have him in our lives.

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